Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

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Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon Mazda RX-7 SA » Mi 27. Sep 2023, 19:29

JokeCro hat geschrieben:Hello,

does anyone have this container ? Mazda 626 2.5 V6 1993 GE

You mean for sell?
Mazda RX-7 SA
Beiträge: 1214
Registriert: Mi 9. Mai 2018, 12:44
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Modell: RX-7 '81; X6 V6; X9 FL
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Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon JokeCro » Mi 27. Sep 2023, 20:34

Mazda RX-7 SA hat geschrieben:
JokeCro hat geschrieben:Hello,

does anyone have this container ? Mazda 626 2.5 V6 1993 GE

You mean for sell?

Beiträge: 36
Registriert: Mi 2. Mär 2022, 21:40
Wohnort: Croatia
Modell: 626 GE 93 2.5i V6 24v

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon commander_keen » Mi 27. Sep 2023, 22:31

It might ease up your search a little bit, because the V6 engine is quite rare (at least in Germany): I think the coolant tank (Kühlmittelausgleichsbehälter) is the same for all engines (1.9l, 2.0l, 2.5l) as long as the car is a normal Japan make. (that means: not US-production)
edit: Wrong tank.
Bild - "A lot of people couldn't tell you what a 626 looks like, but when they see it they think it looks smart."
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Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon Kampfkuchen » Do 28. Sep 2023, 10:21

In my opinion just the V6 has this tank, never mentioned this on a 2.0.

The Part number is KL01-15-35XB maybe this will help. In brand new condition it cost around 80€.

Is the tank leaking? When it's not to big, maybe it is repairable. Nearly every plastic is glueable, but you have to know what type of plastic it is and use the exact correct glue. It's something I learned from a colleague who studied material science and is a passionated 3D Printer. ABS for example, what's mostly used for plastic covering parts can be welded. An old soldering iron, a bit of ABS filament and just melt up, put new ABS top that and it will be durable. I fixed my covering parts on the motorcycle like that and it's amazing how stable this is.
I don't know what type of plastic it is, because it has to handle temperatures above 100°C, so it can't be ABS. But mostly it's printed on the part what type of plastic. Like "> ABS <" or "> PC GF 25 <".
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Registriert: Do 8. Aug 2013, 17:22
Wohnort: Berlin
Modell: '93 626 GE 24V 2.5i
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Land: Deutschland

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon Mazda RX-7 SA » Do 28. Sep 2023, 12:16

I just checked because the Xedos 6 is very similar to 626 GE in some cases. The Xedos 6 V6 also have such tank at this place, but it is little bit different.
If it is leacking, and if available I would prefer a new one. As the given part is 30 years old, so you can be sure the new one will most probably last longer than the car itself! :lol:

Check here:
Mazda RX-7 SA
Beiträge: 1214
Registriert: Mi 9. Mai 2018, 12:44
Wohnort: Wörthersee
Modell: RX-7 '81; X6 V6; X9 FL
Land: Oesterreich

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon Kampfkuchen » Do 28. Sep 2023, 21:37

A new one should be the best option, but be aware that a "new" one isn't really new. It's also about 30 years old, so it isn't that clear it will last for another 30 years. But of course, it doesn't had a life full of temperature changes and stress like that. But most materials in this cases don't have a bad aging.
Beiträge: 3560
Registriert: Do 8. Aug 2013, 17:22
Wohnort: Berlin
Modell: '93 626 GE 24V 2.5i
Postleitzahl: 12105
Land: Deutschland

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon JokeCro » So 1. Okt 2023, 18:29

I'm still waiting for a couple of answers regarding the purchase of a used one, and I think the best option would be to order a new one, they told me that the delivery time for the new one is between 15 and 30 days
Beiträge: 36
Registriert: Mi 2. Mär 2022, 21:40
Wohnort: Croatia
Modell: 626 GE 93 2.5i V6 24v

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon jwbehrendt » Mo 2. Okt 2023, 14:34

I still not understand the Problem.

What exactly did happen?
Is the tank itself leaking?
Is the pressure release cap defect?
Or, in a nasty way, is the return pipe blocked in one or both directions?

Did You already check this points to make shure, this tank is to be replaced?
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Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 - 1519)
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Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon JokeCro » Di 3. Okt 2023, 18:34

So, the container leaks in this place where it is marked in the photo, exactly that place.
I had wiped the container and dried it with a hair dryer, then I pressed the rubber tube located on the opposite side and saw that exactly at that place the coolant was coming out. As if it were a vessel

Beiträge: 36
Registriert: Mi 2. Mär 2022, 21:40
Wohnort: Croatia
Modell: 626 GE 93 2.5i V6 24v

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon jwbehrendt » Di 3. Okt 2023, 21:15

Well, as far as I see, is the connection with the return tube leaky.
So if the tube connector itself isn't defective, fix it with a Ty-Rap or a hose clamp.
It would be reasonable, to change the tube to the drain tank; it's almost gone unflexible after about 30 years. A good replacement should be a silicon tube.

Be careful, not to break the return hose connector!

so long, John

P.S. I didn't got a couple of years ago the broken off tube connector fixed, so I had to purchase a new separator tank for about EUR 170.
Es wird Wagen geben, die von keinem Tier gezogen werden und mit unglaublicher Gewalt daherfahren.
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 - 1519)
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Land: Deutschland

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon JokeCro » Mi 4. Okt 2023, 10:57

jwbehrendt hat geschrieben:Well, as far as I see, is the connection with the return tube leaky.
So if the tube connector itself isn't defective, fix it with a Ty-Rap or a hose clamp.
It would be reasonable, to change the tube to the drain tank; it's almost gone unflexible after about 30 years. A good replacement should be a silicon tube.

Be careful, not to break the return hose connector!

so long, John

P.S. I didn't got a couple of years ago the broken off tube connector fixed, so I had to purchase a new separator tank for about EUR 170.

The container leaks just at the part where the tip of the indicator is located. So the coolant comes out of the plastic
Beiträge: 36
Registriert: Mi 2. Mär 2022, 21:40
Wohnort: Croatia
Modell: 626 GE 93 2.5i V6 24v

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon jwbehrendt » Do 5. Okt 2023, 22:47

Well, if You are shure about it, You need to replace the Separator-Tank, I'm afraid.
You may try, to fix the Problem by glueing, but I don't believe it*l be successful.

Good luck & keep us up to date
Es wird Wagen geben, die von keinem Tier gezogen werden und mit unglaublicher Gewalt daherfahren.
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 - 1519)
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Registriert: Fr 4. Sep 2020, 16:58
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Land: Deutschland

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon Kampfkuchen » Do 5. Okt 2023, 23:45

Most plastics are well glueable, but you need to know which glue you have to use.

I'm a bit confused about your description where it is leaking... So the tip of the surge tank has NO pressure on it! The filler cap has a pressure-valve, it opens at 0.9 bar and the water can flow in the tank. So most of the time this part of the tank doesn't have pressure and it shouldn't leaking, even if there's a crack.

Can see exactly where it is leaking? Is it a guess that it's leaking from that tip? Maybe the hose is too loose?
Beiträge: 3560
Registriert: Do 8. Aug 2013, 17:22
Wohnort: Berlin
Modell: '93 626 GE 24V 2.5i
Postleitzahl: 12105
Land: Deutschland

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon commander_keen » Fr 6. Okt 2023, 13:32

I'll try a translation: So wie ich ihn verstanden habe, hatte er alles ab und getrocknet. Dann hat er den Anschluss (der den Schlauch aufnimmt) und Tank zusammengedrückt und Wasser kam "aus der Plastik" zwischen/bei Tank und Anschluss (da man Plastik nicht auswringen kann, sah er dadurch einen Riss in der Plastik begründet)
Bild - "A lot of people couldn't tell you what a 626 looks like, but when they see it they think it looks smart."
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Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon jwbehrendt » Sa 7. Okt 2023, 01:06

Naja, dieser Anschluss war ja u.a. mein Verdacht, ich hatte damals erfolglos versucht, diesen anzukleben, auch mit Rohreinlage erfolglos.
Klar, wenn dieser Anschluss nicht gebrochen ist, geht man erstmal davon aus, dass der Schlauch sich verhärtet hat & fixiert ihn mit einem Kabelbinder oder einer Schlauchschelle.
Geklebt hab' ich damals mit einem Loctite 2K-Kleber, der temperaturbeständig und elastisch war.
Dass der Behälter selbst gebrochen ist, ist mir persönlich noch nicht vorgekommen, ansonsten hab' ich fast alles durch.
So, wie ich ihn verstehe, beharrt er darauf, dass der Behälter selbst einen Riss hat, weswegen ich einen Austausch empfohlen habe.
Es wird Wagen geben, die von keinem Tier gezogen werden und mit unglaublicher Gewalt daherfahren.
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 - 1519)
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Registriert: Fr 4. Sep 2020, 16:58
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Land: Deutschland


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