Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

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Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon Kampfkuchen » Di 4. Mär 2025, 21:45

I get PTSB from the blue LEDs. In the early 2000s everything had to have blue light. It was so annoying. I hate blue lights as ambient since then.
Beiträge: 3581
Registriert: Do 8. Aug 2013, 17:22
Wohnort: Berlin
Modell: '93 626 GE 24V 2.5i
Postleitzahl: 12105
Land: Deutschland

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon JokeCro » Mi 5. Mär 2025, 19:46

These days I'm thinking of replacing the blue light with ice white :D

What do you think and do you have any experience? OSRAM LED W5W 12V 0,8W
I would install these LED w5w for the license plate light :?:
Beiträge: 42
Registriert: Mi 2. Mär 2022, 21:40
Wohnort: Croatia
Modell: 626 GE 93 2.5i V6 24v

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon Kampfkuchen » Do 6. Mär 2025, 12:04

I don't have experience with them.

Only thing I can say is, most time I see upgraded license plate lights, they are hard overkill in the strength and illuminate the street.
Beiträge: 3581
Registriert: Do 8. Aug 2013, 17:22
Wohnort: Berlin
Modell: '93 626 GE 24V 2.5i
Postleitzahl: 12105
Land: Deutschland

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon commander_keen » Do 6. Mär 2025, 12:25

No experience from my side.
Don't we have C5W / SV8.5 for the license plate? (T10,5x43)
Bild - "A lot of people couldn't tell you what a 626 looks like, but when they see it they think it looks smart."
Beiträge: 5010
Registriert: Di 10. Jan 2006, 19:18
Wohnort: bei Stuttgart
Modell: Bj.96 - 16V - FLH
Postleitzahl: 71254
Land: Deutschland

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon JokeCro » Do 6. Mär 2025, 20:51

commander_keen hat geschrieben:No experience from my side.
Don't we have C5W / SV8.5 for the license plate? (T10,5x43)

I think my license plate light bulbs are W5W
Beiträge: 42
Registriert: Mi 2. Mär 2022, 21:40
Wohnort: Croatia
Modell: 626 GE 93 2.5i V6 24v

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon JokeCro » Do 6. Mär 2025, 20:53

Kampfkuchen hat geschrieben:I don't have experience with them.

Only thing I can say is, most time I see upgraded license plate lights, they are hard overkill in the strength and illuminate the street.

Yes, I had the opportunity to meet such a license plate light :D
Beiträge: 42
Registriert: Mi 2. Mär 2022, 21:40
Wohnort: Croatia
Modell: 626 GE 93 2.5i V6 24v


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