Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

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Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon JokeCro » Mo 30. Okt 2023, 18:52

Mazda RX-7 SA hat geschrieben:
JokeCro hat geschrieben:Which light bulbs (short light, long light) do you use and recommend for the 626 GE?

I can recommend only LEDs in fact. I never was satisfied with any of the Halogen upgrade bulbs.
I installes 2 Sets of H1-LED Kit from Benzinfabrik: ... ox8?c=7434

Installed them in 27 years old OEM headlights. Its just excellent!
The low beam was better than the OEM Xenon of my Mazda 6 MPS from the year 2006.
I drove the whole winter with it and I just love it!

Here some pictures, direct comparison at the same place with same camera settings.

Low Beam both std Halogen:

High Beam both std Halogen:

Low Beam both left Halogen, right LED:

High Beam both left Halogen, right LED:

Unfortunatelly on those pictures you cannot see how much yo can see more with those LEDs....

LED, that's really a huge difference. However, I don't know how things are with the law in Croatia.
Beiträge: 42
Registriert: Mi 2. Mär 2022, 21:40
Wohnort: Croatia
Modell: 626 GE 93 2.5i V6 24v

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon JokeCro » Mo 30. Okt 2023, 18:56

One more thing, what LED bulbs are you using for the cab lighting and license plate light? I would like to put the license plate lighting ice blue.

A long time ago, I bought some LED lights for the cabin, but I noticed that they did not completely go out when the door was closed, as if they were "smoldering". I think it should be LED with Canbus?
Beiträge: 42
Registriert: Mi 2. Mär 2022, 21:40
Wohnort: Croatia
Modell: 626 GE 93 2.5i V6 24v

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon Kampfkuchen » Mo 30. Okt 2023, 20:14

No, you don't need a LED with CANBUS.

The problem is, that there is some leakage current from the central process unit. As I remember it turns the light on or of if you choose light by open doors. Then a transistor switches the light on or of. And this transistor has some leakage, it's not that much, maybe under 1mA, but it is enough to barely turn on the LED.
Spontaneous I don't have a good idea how to fix that without doing something with the cpu or with an extra circuit.
Beiträge: 3581
Registriert: Do 8. Aug 2013, 17:22
Wohnort: Berlin
Modell: '93 626 GE 24V 2.5i
Postleitzahl: 12105
Land: Deutschland

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon Mazda RX-7 SA » Mo 30. Okt 2023, 21:04

Kampfkuchen hat geschrieben:Spontaneous I don't have a good idea how to fix that without doing something with the cpu or with an extra circuit.

Is it possible, that more expensive LEDs for W5W have something included to not light with such low current?
Mazda RX-7 SA
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Registriert: Mi 9. Mai 2018, 12:44
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Modell: RX-7 '81; X6 V6; X9 FL
Land: Oesterreich

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon Kampfkuchen » Di 31. Okt 2023, 14:52

A better LED should have a better efficiency, the effect should be worse than a cheap LED, because the LED will turn on even earlier than a cheap one. I don't know if there are lights with a trick circuit or something like that.
If the bulb isn't a LED with just a resistor in series, rather an switching supply for more efficiency it should work, because the supply needs an minimum of voltage and not just current. But I don't think there are some with buck converter, it's not necessary and too expensive.
I can try to measure in my GE how much leakage current and voltage there is. With a bit luck it's easier than I thought.

Imho I have LEDs inside... I don't have that problem.
Beiträge: 3581
Registriert: Do 8. Aug 2013, 17:22
Wohnort: Berlin
Modell: '93 626 GE 24V 2.5i
Postleitzahl: 12105
Land: Deutschland

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon Mazda RX-7 SA » Di 31. Okt 2023, 19:47

Kampfkuchen hat geschrieben:Imho I have LEDs inside... I don't have that problem.

Me too, thats why I thought about that.
Mazda RX-7 SA
Beiträge: 1222
Registriert: Mi 9. Mai 2018, 12:44
Wohnort: Wörthersee
Modell: RX-7 '81; X6 V6; X9 FL
Land: Oesterreich

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon commander_keen » Di 31. Okt 2023, 20:17

Had the same issue as JokeCro when I switched to green LEDs for the cabin/interior. I just turned around the LED-"Sofitte" by 180° (swapping + and -) and no more problem...

In Germany we are not allowed to use anything else than white license plate illumination.
Bild - "A lot of people couldn't tell you what a 626 looks like, but when they see it they think it looks smart."
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Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon Kampfkuchen » Di 31. Okt 2023, 20:40

commander_keen hat geschrieben:In Germany we are not allowed to use anything else than white license plate illumination.

Except self illuminating lincense plates.

Yea, there are white, too... But it's special.

Beiträge: 3581
Registriert: Do 8. Aug 2013, 17:22
Wohnort: Berlin
Modell: '93 626 GE 24V 2.5i
Postleitzahl: 12105
Land: Deutschland

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon JokeCro » Mi 1. Nov 2023, 18:37

commander_keen hat geschrieben:Had the same issue as JokeCro when I switched to green LEDs for the cabin/interior. I just turned around the LED-"Sofitte" by 180° (swapping + and -) and no more problem...

In Germany we are not allowed to use anything else than white license plate illumination.

I have not tried this, turn the diode by 180, i.e. change -/+. Good idea. I will try that next time!

I see many vehicles using these bulbs, ice blue, so they are not completely white, but have a blue effect. And yet they are not completely blue. ... rVrGfTxzsM
Beiträge: 42
Registriert: Mi 2. Mär 2022, 21:40
Wohnort: Croatia
Modell: 626 GE 93 2.5i V6 24v

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon JokeCro » Do 23. Jan 2025, 20:58

Does anyone have this hose?

Beiträge: 42
Registriert: Mi 2. Mär 2022, 21:40
Wohnort: Croatia
Modell: 626 GE 93 2.5i V6 24v

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon Kampfkuchen » Sa 25. Jan 2025, 14:23

I don't have it.

But I found spare-parts

But I would ask Mazda first if they have some left.

The Part number is KL11-13-220D
Beiträge: 3581
Registriert: Do 8. Aug 2013, 17:22
Wohnort: Berlin
Modell: '93 626 GE 24V 2.5i
Postleitzahl: 12105
Land: Deutschland

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon jwbehrendt » Mo 17. Feb 2025, 21:51

if changing the polarity for the LED's dosn't help, try to add parallel to the LED a Resistor with abaout 820 to 560 Ohm.
This should pull down a few milliamps from the output.
Es wird Wagen geben, die von keinem Tier gezogen werden und mit unglaublicher Gewalt daherfahren.
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 - 1519)
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Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon JokeCro » Di 25. Feb 2025, 22:13

The other day I tried it ...

This bulb stays smoldering:


While this one doesn't:


Also a little update on the low beam.
Last year, I put Osram Night Breaker Silver on the low beam, and you can feel the difference from those ordinary H1 bulbs. And, W5W Philips X-tremeVision Pro150.
Beiträge: 42
Registriert: Mi 2. Mär 2022, 21:40
Wohnort: Croatia
Modell: 626 GE 93 2.5i V6 24v

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon commander_keen » Mi 26. Feb 2025, 15:28

JokeCro hat geschrieben:The other day I tried it ...

This bulb stays smoldering:


Did you try it in both directions? (for me that made a difference with those cheap china LEDs ^^)

Also a little update on the low beam.
Last year, I put Osram Night Breaker Silver on the low beam, and you can feel the difference from those ordinary H1 bulbs. And, W5W Philips X-tremeVision Pro150.

Cool. Please let us know of they last significantly shorter.
Bild - "A lot of people couldn't tell you what a 626 looks like, but when they see it they think it looks smart."
Beiträge: 5009
Registriert: Di 10. Jan 2006, 19:18
Wohnort: bei Stuttgart
Modell: Bj.96 - 16V - FLH
Postleitzahl: 71254
Land: Deutschland

Re: Greetings from Croatia 626 GE 2.5 V6

Beitragvon JokeCro » So 2. Mär 2025, 19:24

I tried turning.

I bought these LED bulbs. They don't stay on the smoldering.


First picture above LED
Picture below regular halogen


What do you think and do you have any experience? OSRAM LED W5W 12V 0,8W
I would install these LED w5w for the license plate light
Beiträge: 42
Registriert: Mi 2. Mär 2022, 21:40
Wohnort: Croatia
Modell: 626 GE 93 2.5i V6 24v


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